Veteran Realty Serving America's Military, VR SAM - Military and Real Estate: VR SAM SUPPORTS A SAFETY NET FOR MILITARY HOMEOWNERS

Monday, February 12, 2007


VR SAM believes that you, the service member and your family, should have the same benefits as other federal employees when it comes to buying and selling your home incidental to military PCS orders. We also believe that the costs of a well planned program could be offset in a number of ways.

You can click the link below to view our full article recently published in to view our argument and proposal for such a program. We present this as a point of departure and recognize that any program must be carefully studied and constructed, and fiscally responsible. We believe that in the wake of an extended armed conflict in which our service members and their families have made extraordinary sacrifices to defend our freedoms, the political landscape is ripe for both parties to get on board with a program to "Support the Troops" that goes beyond letters, cookies, handshakes in the airports, and rhetoric. Such gestures are not insignificant and are indeed welcome, but what we propose will place a "roof over thier heads" that will enable our service familes to build personal wealth through homeownership...just like the citizenry that they defend! Help us help our Military Families share in the American Dream of Homeownership!

We know that many of you have been through this yourselves. We invite your comments and personal experiences. We invite you to forward this article with your thoughts to anyone you believe is appropriate. We welcome your assistance in building grass roots momentum for this effort. We encourage you to make your feelings known to your chain of command, elected officials, non-profit organizations that support military causes, your friends and family!

Please check back with us on a routine basis for updates on who is supporting this effort and how you can help! Here's the link to the full article. Thanks! VR SAM,15356,124157,00.html

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